Saturday, October 25, 2014

SIMPLY ENGAGED: Christina + Greg

We love our couples here at Ivory and Beau, and engagement sessions are the perfect way for them to show their personalities! Christina and Greg are so perfect together (check out their responses to how they met! We love the giant babies comment Christina made) They both knew they were the ones for each other the moment they met. We are so excited for their wedding next March here in Savannah, and we know she is going to be a gorgeous bride (I mean look at her! Stunning!!) Thank you to Jeff and Mollie Weddings for taking these amazing pictures, with hair and makeup by Michelle Royal!

February 23rd 2013 in St. Croix USVI

How + where they met:
Christina's version:
After a long day of work, my co-workers convinced me to meet them at Ernie Biggs in Westport to unwind. Around midnight, my life would forever change when a handsome, tall gentleman walked into the bar. I remember the first conversation Greg and I had went something like this:
Me: "You and I would have GIANT babies.” (FYI: I’m 5’11’’ and Greg is 6’8’')
Greg: "I didn't ask to have your babies, I asked you to dinner."
We talked the rest of the night (my friends would tell you I was already referring to him as my 'boyfriend' before the night ended) and he did, in fact, take me to dinner the next evening. I was his date to the wedding he was in town for the following night and he changed his flight and stayed in KC an extra day to spend time with me. Two weeks later he flew back to KC for our 'second' official date (and to meet all of my family)! Though by then, I had already told my parents I knew he was 'the one.

Greg's version:
I was in Kansas City for my friends' wedding. The Thursday night before, several of us went out to celebrate his waning bachelorhood. After a memorable evening at Jack Stack BBQ and Ameristar Casino, we headed to Westport and made our way into Ernie Biggs Dueling Piano Bar. The place could have been packed to the rafters and still the first and only thing I would've noticed would've been Christina. In the most important, yet simplest, decision I've ever made, I promptly walked over to her and her friends and we began talking. Needless to say, we hit it off immediately. Before we even went to dinner the very next evening (for our first date on March 22), I told my mother I was smitten. On Saturday she joined me at Ben and Rachel's wedding and only two weeks later I returned to Kansas City and met her family. A few weeks after that, we took our first trip together to Savannah and began our romance with the city that continues to our wedding day.

The Proposal:
We had planned a trip to St. Croix for a much needed beach getaway. The second day we were there, Greg took me to Sandy point, one of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever seen! (For those who have seen the Shawshank Redemption, it’s the beach that was used to film the final scene in the movie). We walked along the beach and found ourselves a ‘spot’.  The whole time Greg was trying to propose (telling me sweet things) I thought he was trying to reassure me (as I had been trying to get him to give me a date for some time now so I could start planning!). He kept telling me he loved me and how he couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with me and I just kept saying, ‘I know, me too…I love you, too…’. Finally, he pulled out a ring box and asked if I would marry him. The first thing I said was, ‘Are you serious?' Quickly followed by a ‘yes’ of course! We’d talked about marriage since the beginning of our relationship, so while I wasn’t surprised he asked, I wasn’t exactly expecting it at that moment either! 

Why Savannah?
Seeing Greg lived in Houston and I lived in Kansas City, we dated long distance for the first year of our relationship.  The first city we met was Savannah.  It’s safe to say we not only fell in love with each other there, but also with the city.  We’re excited to share one of our favorite cities with our friends and family!

Wedding Date:
March 22, 2015.  
We chose this day as it’s the third year anniversary from the day we met!

What are you looking forward to most on your wedding day?
Celebrating the day with our closet friends and family.  Greg says 'the moment he first sees me enter the church and walk down the aisle toward him.'

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